Law firm
JUDr. Jaroslav Kopa

Táborského nábřeží 790/3
(Hotel Austerlitz)
639 00, Brno

tel./fax: +420 541 211 051
data box: 6wbgyuv

Open hours:
Mon-Thur: 9 - 12, 14-17 hod.
Fri: 9 - 12 hod.

JUDr. Jaroslav Kopa
+420 602 505 769

Mgr. Petr Nedorostek
lawyer clerk
+420 606 525 525

We speak English.                     Wir sprechen Deutsch.                     Mы говорим по-русски.


We agree prices for legal services provided as a contractual remuneration on an individual basis with the client in each individual case, either:

a) As an hourly rate – we charge the sum of 1,800 CZK for each commenced hour, or
b) According to the extent and content of legal advice and its level of difficulty on the basis of a professional assessment with the use of the provisions on extra-contractual remuneration in accordance with the scale of lawyers’ fee (Decree 177/1996 Sb. in its valid wording) and agreement on the number of legal acts performed.

Individual prices with discounts on our hourly rate or agreement of a flat rate may be provided in justified cases and for regular clients.

We charge a surcharge on our hourly rate of as much as 300 % for the provision of legal services in a foreign language depending on the level of professional and linguistic difficulty.

Should agreement on contractual remuneration not be reached, we are entitled to charge an extra-contractual remuneration for legal services in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 to 12a of Decree no. 177/1996 Sb. in its valid wording.

We are entitled to charge cash expenses that we have expended on behalf of the client to cover in full any costs purposefully expended in connection with the provision of legal services (in particular court charges, administrative charges, notarial charges and other charges, expert opinions, postage). We are entitled to charge other costs (travel costs, payment of lost time, etc.) according to individual agreement with the client. Should such agreement not be closed, the payment of costs expended in connection with the provision of legal services is subject to the provisions of Sections 13 and 14 of Decree no. 177/1996 Sb. in its valid wording.

We are entitled to use motor vehicles for the purpose of conducting proceedings away from the office and the seat of the office (Brno) and to charge the costs of their use according to individual agreement with the client or, in the absence of such agreement, in accordance with the legal regulations on the use of motor vehicles for business trips valid as of the day on which the given working trip occurred.
We are a payer of VAT, for which reason we are obliged to charge VAT on all prices at the rate valid as of the date of the taxable event.
Any consumer dispute arising from the contractual relationship between the lawyer and the client will be referred to the Czech Bar Association.